AIMCo Launches $1B Global Transition Fund
The Alberta Investment Management Corporation has launched a $1B global transition fund designed to expand decarbonization in multiple sectors.
The move has far-reaching real estate investment implications. Edmonton-based AIMCo ranks among Canada’s largest institutional investors. The company invests globally on behalf of Albert-based endowment, insurance, and government funds.
The new fund in known as the Energy Transition Opportunities Pool. Many AIMCo clients have allocated money to the new pool, said the company in a news release.
The clients’ investments will have exposure to a variety of energy transition and themes, including industrial decarbonization, carbon capture and sequestration, electrification, storage and initiatives.
“We are gratified by our clients’ commitment both to the new pool and to our shared objective of supporting and benefiting from energy transition and decarbonization opportunities,” said Ben Hawkins, AIMCo’s head of infrastructure and renewable resources.
- ◦Lease
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