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Montreal’s Chinatown Core Declared Heritage Site

Redevelopment projects in Montreal’s Chinatown core will require provincial approval after the area was declared a heritage site, says a commercial real estate lawyer.

Quebec’s culture minister must sign off on proposed building alterations, wrote Martin Thiboutout in a review of the area’s heritage classification. In compliance with the Cultural Heritage Act, developers must ensure that their plans respect a wide array of concerns regarding a property’s heritage, conservation and archaeology. Original building signs must be preserved as often as possible, along with a building’s exterior, ground and underground features.

Culture and Communications Minister Mathieu Lacombe declared the Chinatown core a heritage site in July. The designated area covers 10 buildings and 14 lots, wrote Thiboutout, who is based in McMillan’s Montreal office. Eva Langrais, a McMillan associate, co-authored the review.

The culture minister also classified two properties within the heritage site, the British and Canadian School and former S. Davis & Sons cigar factory, as heritage buildings.

Photo: Quebec Ministry of Culture and Communications


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McMillanMonte Stewart

About Monte Stewart

Monte Stewart serves as Content Director - Canada for Connect Commercial Real Estate. Based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Monte provides daily news coverage of major Canadian commercial real estate markets, including Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal and Calgary. He has written about the real estate sector for various media outlets and Avison Young since the early 2000s. In addition, he has covered sports, general news and business for several leading wire services and publications, including The Canadian Press, The Associated Press, The Calgary Herald, The Globe and Mail, Research Money, The Daily Oil Bulletin, Natural Gas World and The Toronto Star. Monte is active in his community as a youth basketball coach and raises funds for such charitable causes as Movember.

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